Best Masala Chai Premix

Best Masala Chai Premix

Masala chai tea is an Indian traditional tea that is very popular. In Hindi, the word masala means spice, so masala chai only means spiced tea. This tea doesn't look like normal black tea. The scent of the heavy exotic spices is more turbid (like the smell of coffee with milk).

The preparation method may also be very different. It usually begins with boiling milk, water, spices and sugar for some minutes, then adds a tea, and it needs to steam for a few more minutes to release all the aromas after hitting the boiling point. Traditionally, the finished brew is poured into reusable pots of clay.

Masala Tea - Anytime Anywhere

Any time a person is with family friends, or all alone, Masala chai is their prime choice. This is also a great companion in any business meeting or any business transaction at the moment. Even during the scorching season, a cup of hot drink is desired. Tea Time' is a common term employed by professionals in a workplace. "Each time is tea time" for them, and tea time is a great time to go through.

How to prepare masala chai?

Every day, most of this country's households are making masala brew. It's very straightforward. In the preparation of this drink, only four ingredients need-tea leaves, masala or ground spices, sweetener and milk powder or fresh milk. Now let's see how these ingredients fit together for a cup of delicious masala.

What are the spices used you may wonder

It really depends on what part you are in India. Each Chai Wallah or vendor has a recipes of their own. Many spices, however, you can definitely taste in your cup of chai and those are cardamom and ginger, whether in north or south India. In contrast to those, cinnamon and clove also contribute to the foundation and you can see other combinations, such as chocolate, coffee, fennel lemongrass, peppermint, curry leaves, saffron, and vanilla.

Although there are many spices used in the blend, the immunity, skin, liver, kidneys, temperament, digestion, breathing, respiratory and digestive system can still be benefitted from this drink.

But always bear in mind that this drink can also be enjoyed with your children. You can feel the refreshing benefits of the best masala chai premix by serving it in their favorite children's tea sets. You can not only feel more alive, but improve your health as well. So now go and see this tea for yourself.

You can use countless variations of the best masala chai premix! That's the magic of this drink that nurtures, revitalizes, and calms. Although it's not the typical way to drink it, you can also drink it.